1. Innovative
    1. An innovative teacher finds new more interesting ways for the students to learn
  2. Felxible
    1. A flexible teacher will adapt his/her lessons to meet the skill level/learning style of the student
  3. Inspiring
    1. An inspiring teacher motivates his/her students to strive to become their best
  4. Enthusiastic
    1. An enthusiastic teacher is animated and eager
  5. Progressive
    1. A progressive teacher is constantly learning with/from his/her students
  6. Organized
    1. An organized teacher plans ahead and is prepared for his/her lessons
  7. Engaging
    1. An engaging teacher is actively involved with his/her students
  8. Respecting
    1. A respecting teacher does not judge or treat students differently
  9. Passionate
    1. A passionate teacher is in love with what they do
  10. Patient
    1. A patient teacher does not become frustrated with his/her students