1. 1. Determine the Need of Product
    1. Normal Use
    2. Official Use
    3. Specific Use
  2. 2. Determine the Budget
    1. Low Budget
    2. Medium Budget
    3. High Budget
  3. 3. Find out the variant needed
    1. Lower Variant
    2. Higher Variant
  4. 4. Map out the attributes available in that specific price range
    1. Design Quality
    2. Build Quality
    3. Features
  5. 5. Checkout Product specs
    1. Features
    2. Pros
    3. Cons
  6. 10. Compare final two products
    1. Price Point
    2. Specs
    3. Attributes
  7. 9. Choose final two product using steps 1 to 8
  8. 8. Check the Product warranty and the serviceability
    1. Short Term
    2. Mid Term
    3. Long Term
  9. 7. Check the Price of the Product
    1. Amazon
    2. Flipkart
    3. Other Stores
  10. 6. Check the reviews and verdict
    1. User Experience
    2. Ratings
      1. Overall rating
      2. Feature specific rating