1. Why listen to audiobooks
    1. Increase time spent reading
    2. Get over bad associations with reading
    3. Increase understanding of what you read
    4. Promote love of reading
    5. Read in more places
    6. Read more
    7. Improve your traditional reading
    8. Improve your spelling
    9. Increase your vocabulary
  2. How to listen to audiobooks
    1. Strategies
      1. Listen while doing physical activities
      2. Listen at higher speed to improve focus
      3. Use bookmarks to organise and review
      4. Listen while reading to improve skills
      5. Jump back on resume
      6. Cut up long files for MP3 players
    2. Tools
      1. Software
        1. VLC
        2. Audiobook Cutter
        3. Android
          1. Smart AudioBook Player
          2. MortPlayer Audio Books
          3. OverDrive (for library audio books)
          4. Audible
        4. iOS
          1. Audiobook & Podcast Player
          2. iTunes
          3. Audible
          4. OverDrive (for library audio books)
      2. Hardware
        1. MP3 Player
          1. Portable
          2. Dedicated/Radio combo
        2. Phone/Tablet
        3. Computer
    3. Things that are difficult with audiobooks
      1. Skimming and scanning
      2. Looking things up
      3. Quick navigation
      4. Retracing your steps
      5. Independence on technology
      6. Moving audiobooks about
  3. Where to find audiobooks
    1. Free
      1. Libraries
      2. LibriVox
    2. Specialised Libraries for Print Disabilities
      1. Calibre Library
      2. Load2Learn
      3. RNIB
    3. Commercial
      1. Audible
      2. eMusic
      3. Downpour
      4. Highbridge Audio
      5. BBC
  4. Other ways to get listening
    1. Podcasts
    2. Online lectures
    3. Text to speech