1. XMind
    1. Mindmapping tool
    2. Advantages
      1. create notes without using a mouse
      2. Shortcut keys you're familiar with are the same
        1. Ctrl X
          1. Cut
        2. Cltr C
          1. Copy
        3. Ctrl V
          1. Paste
        4. Ctrl Z
          1. Undo
        5. Ctrl Y
          1. Redo
        6. Ctrl A
          1. Select all
        7. Ctrl S
          1. Save
      3. Discuss at the depth & Breath that you want
      4. Edit previous notes at any level
      5. Freeware
        1. But there's PRO version
      6. Open Source
      7. Multiplatform
        1. Windows
        2. Mac
        3. Linux
        4. Portable!
          1. Can be loaded to a USB
    3. Using XMind
      1. Edit
        1. Create
          1. Child
          2. Insert
          3. Sibling
          4. Enter
          5. Longer texts
          6. Shift-Enter at line breaks
          7. sample
          8. Can. 844 ยง2 - Whenever necessity requires or a genuine spiritual advantage commends it, and provided the danger of error or indifferentism is avoided, Christ's faithful for whom it is physically or morally impossible to approach a Catholic minister, may lawfully receive the sacraments of penance, the Eucharist and anointing of the sick from non-Catholic ministers in whose Churches these sacraments are valid.
        2. Delete
          1. Delete
        3. Edit node title
          1. F2
        4. Rename
          1. Just start typing over the node
      2. Navigate
        1. Arrow keys
          1. Parent/Child
          2. Left Right
          3. siblings
          4. up down
        2. Mouse
          1. Click a node
        3. Move node
          1. Alt+ up/down
        4. Drill Down
      3. Collapse & Explode Nodes
        1. One Level
          1. Collapse
          2. minus: -
          3. Explode
          4. plus +
        2. Current Level & Sub levels
          1. Collapse
          2. forward slash /
          3. Explode
          4. asterisk *
      4. Selection
        1. Ctrl A
          1. Select all
        2. Select several siblings
          1. Shift+up/down
      5. Exporting
        1. Command
          1. File - Export
        2. Filetypes
          1. MS files
          2. Pro Version
          3. HTML
          4. IMAge
          5. Text
        3. Upload to Web
      6. Import
      7. Insert
        1. Picture
        2. Links
          1. www.opusdei.org
        3. Attachments
          1. 1 IFS.pdf
      8. Mindmap Structures