1. Social Networking
    1. Local
      1. twitterlocal.com
    2. Professional
      1. activerain.com
    3. Niche
      1. dogster.com
  2. Local
    1. Retail Service Providers
      1. boutique clothing stores
    2. Service Based Service Providers
      1. restaurants
    3. Residents
      1. Topic
    4. Local Clubs and Business Organizations
      1. Chamber of Commerce
      2. Rotary Club
      3. Meetup.com
  3. Global Reach
    1. International Organizations
      1. ERC Worldwide
    2. Internet Property
      1. Website
      2. Blog
    3. Your Professional Relationships
      1. Real Estate Professionals
      2. Business Professionals
  4. SOI
    1. Family
      1. Referrals
    2. Friends
      1. Referrals
    3. Past Clients
      1. Referrals
  5. Affiliates
    1. Mortgage
    2. Title
    3. Homeowner's Insurance
    4. Home Repair, Maintenace, Improvement
      1. Plumbers
      2. Lawncare
      3. Roofers
      4. Electricians
  6. Blogging
    1. Local Expert
      1. Local Clients
      2. Distant Clients
    2. Local Expert+Community Contribution
      1. Referrals